Do not give what is holy to dogs-they will only turn and attack you. Do not throw your pearls in front of pigs-they will only trample them underfoot. Matthew 7:6 (GNB)

We are all familiar with the famous bible verse: ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. The following verse makes it more interesting: for everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock. It paints a picture of an action-reaction relationship between asking and receiving. It appears that the natural reward for asking is receiving. However, even in our few years on earth, and our years as believers in the faith, it doesn’t seem to work as easily as the verse paints it to be. God will be helping us this week to see one of the reasons why this is often times the case.

Even before our LORD would talk about asking, in form of preliminary introduction, he clearly stated that dogs do not deserve what is holy, and pigs do not deserve what is precious. I can hear the LORD saying emphatically that: should a “dog” ask for something holy, or should a “pig” ask for something precious, the request will land on deaf ears.

Are we “dogs”? Are we “pigs”? The little gifts and talents the LORD has already bestowed on us, do we trample on them underfoot? Do we use the gifts of God to attack God and His church?

THOUGHT: Before asking, we must certify these characteristics in our lives. The King does not want to suffer loss. The virtues of God are too holy to be given to dogs, they are too precious to be lavished on pigs.


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