all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalms 139:16b (NKJV)

The world system hangs on a lot of regrets. Regrets about “why I did not read last night”, “how I did not school abroad”, “why I did not do this and do that”, because they believe that “had I done that, the outcome I am facing now would have changed”. This concept of the past affecting the future, or the future dependency on the past is known as THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT.

The theory believes that a hurricane wind experienced now is the aftermath of the flapping of a butterfly wing some miles away and at some distant time in the past.

God is saying today that the only regret you should have is concerning the SALVATION STATE of your soul. If any man is in Christ he is a new creature, the old has passed away, (and has nothing determinate on my future any more). The psalmist here brings to light that there is nothing that comes across the path of a believer that is a surprise to God. Be careful to notice the tense used in this passage. It is in the past perfect tense. The fact that I am passing through what I am passing through should also bring this assurance to mind that God knew about it. This assurance is only possibly found in the heart of a saved soul. Even in the face of death, if you eventually die, you have the assurance that in God’s book, you were meant to die today.

The song writer says:
“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
I know He holds my future,
My life is worth living because He lives.”

This song your soul shall sing from now henceforth. The assurance should in no way cause a careless attitude in your Christian walk with God, on the other hand, this assurance should make you understand  that everything that has to do with life, all the provisions you need, and will ever need has been taken care of [since you are in Christ Jesus].

Now that we are aware that our everyday is in control by God, we must do what was testified of Jesus in Hebrews 10:7 (then I said “here I am, to do your will O God, just as it is written of me in the books”). This implies that we be submissive to God.

Reflection: Dear God, make me understand day by day that my life is in Your hand. Help me forget about my filthy past as I look up to You for a bright future. Amen! I acknowledge that You are aware of what I am passing through, help me to totally depend on You to see me through.

Further Reading: Matthew 6:33; Phil 4:6; II Pet 1:3; Luke 12:6-7.

Written by Didi


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