John 15:4
Remain in me, as I also remain in you.

It is very important to note here that the compromise is always from man! By rearranging this sentence, it can be put thus: as I remain in you [so also] remain me. Can you see the faithfulness of God in His Commitment to man portrayed in this verse of scripture? It is always certain that God is with us (Immanuel).

Nevertheless, in our unfaithful state, we, in one way or another can stray away from the vine and tap nutrients from some other vague source. God at this point, because of our unfaithfulness, ceases to remain in us. We are the one who pulled God out of our life though our actions, thoughts, words.

 God’s faithfulness should teach us to be steadfast. It is a Word for all believers out there. The fact that you have given your life to Christ means that He is in you. He will continue to be in you,  however, if you remain in Him. The compromise always starts with us. This is the truth.


written by DiDi


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