
Showing posts from August, 2015


… all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalms 139:16b (NKJV) The world system hangs on a lot of regrets. Regrets about “why I did not read last night”, “how I did not school abroad”, “why I did not do this and do that”, because they believe that “had I done that, the outcome I am facing now would have changed”. This concept of the past affecting the future, or the future dependency on the past is known as THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT. The theory believes that a hurricane wind experienced now is the aftermath of the flapping of a butterfly wing some miles away and at some distant time in the past. God is saying today that the only regret you should have is concerning the SALVATION STATE of your soul. If any man is in Christ he is a new creature, the old has passed away, (and has nothing determinate on my future any more). The psalmist here brings to light that there is nothing that comes ...

#06: HOPE!

… when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your head, because your redemption is drawing nearer . Luke 21:28 (NKJV) The preceding verses to this verse were describing the series of events that would occur before the coming of the Son of God. From vs.26 the events described look very disheartening, it will look as if it is finished. As a Christian waiting for the second coming of Christ, you may want to give in because of the pressures on every side, yet Christ ended this message of “despair” with a hope -“your redemption is drawing nearer” , this brings to heart first that it is not a time to give up, but to hold fast with our heads up. The evil one is very strategic in his evil plans, and that is why as a Christian, you have to be very vigilant . You should keep saying “God could not have brought me this far to leave me alone” . Usually, these are points when your salvation is nearer. Imagine a time to give up. Something that if narrated is very pathet...


…and I will dwell in Your Presence now and forever more. Amen . Psalms 23:6  This was a simple, yet necessary cry from the heart of the psalmist-David. One would ask why this proposition, but God in the light of His Word is bringing illumination to the matter. I have thought much about Your Words and stored them in my heart so that they would hold me back from sin . Psalm 119:11 The psalmist would only for certain have got the Word of God [even so much in excess to store in his heart] in the presence of God. Practically, I have noticed that when I am in the gathering of brethren, no evil thought comes nigh , but in my secret-quiet place, I begin to craft out evil . This may be a true story for you too. I believe it was the same for the psalmist, and so he was not just satisfied with feeling the presence of God momentarily (in the gathering of brethren). He felt the only way out of the strong hold of sin was dwelling in the presence of God. So closing of fellowship sh...


John 15:4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. It is very important to note here that the compromise is always from man! By rearranging this sentence, it can be put thus: as I remain in you [so also] remain me . Can you see the faithfulness of God in His Commitment to man portrayed in this verse of scripture? It is always certain that God is with us (Immanuel) . Nevertheless, in our unfaithful state, we, in one way or another can stray away from the vine and tap nutrients from some other vague source. God at this point, because of our unfaithfulness, ceases to remain in us. We are the one who pulled God out of our life though our actions, thoughts, words.   God’s faithfulness should teach us to be steadfast . It is a Word for all believers out there. The fact that you have given your life to Christ means that He is in you. He will continue to be in you,  however, if you remain in Him. The compromise always starts with us. This is the truth. HAP...

#03: “The Religious Sect”

John 8:7 (MSG) He straightened and said, “The sinless among you go first: Throw the Stone”…  The Pharisees were one of the most respected religious groups and they valued the letter of the law over the spirit or intent of the law . When they caught the adulterous woman, all they were interested in was condemning her and not bringing her to salvation. In this generation, we, instead of praying for and talking to people about Christ , we find pleasure in gathering ourselves as the “religious ones” and talk about the evil people do. And the discussion is not proactive, but a vain discussion.   Thus, we have to start making things productive by praying for and talking to people lavishing in sin and not just discussing about them behind their backs.  HAPPY SUNDAY