#184: Tales of an Honoured Vessel (A Christmas Poem)
Set on the donkey, Fears hunting the indepts of my heart, The cold winter breeze chewing my skin, The struggle to hold on to hope. The first census in what seemed like forever My unfortunate predicament of journeying with a swollen stomach, Swollen with another life, The world's greatest miracle, I smiled to myself, Willing the beauty to remain. Oh, he would be born in his home town, The land of my very beloved... The pains of the journey weakened my bones, Every muscle screaming for help, The constant battle to stay calm and strong. For my beloved and unborn child. The night stole the sun And the moon, its glory. I lay facing the stars, The journey of the first day had come to an end. With fears still breathing inside my heart Unsure of what is to come, I drifted into a beauty sleep. But It lasted only for a moment. And in what seemed to...