#184: Tales of an Honoured Vessel (A Christmas Poem)


Set on the donkey, 

Fears hunting the indepts of my heart, 

The cold winter breeze chewing my skin, 

The struggle to hold on to hope. 

The first census in what seemed like forever 

My unfortunate predicament of journeying with a swollen stomach, 

Swollen with another life, 

The world's greatest miracle, 

I smiled to myself, 

Willing the beauty to remain. 

Oh, he would be born in his home town, 

The land of my very beloved... 

The pains of the journey weakened my bones, 

Every muscle screaming for help, 

The constant battle to stay calm and strong. 

For my beloved and unborn child. 

The night stole the sun 

And the moon, its glory. 

I lay facing the stars, 

The journey of the first day had come to an end. 

With fears still breathing inside my heart 

Unsure of what is to come, 

I drifted into a beauty sleep. 

But It lasted only for a moment. 

And in what seemed too short a time,

Morning light screamed at me. 

The journey needed to be completed. 

Yes,  it was a struggle to get by, 

The awful taste of road dust, 

The constant craving for strange meals, 

The blinding effect of the winter cold, 

The constant nagging of my weak bones, 

All the tales of the journey that seemed endless. 

Oh, what joy filled my heart, 

As the sight of the town's gate seemed to me as a gold mine. 

Down afar off the hills. 

Hope was revived, 

We were but a few hours away. 

But the night was encroaching fast. 

A few steps into the gates, 

My joy knew no bounds, 

I would finally stretch out on a real bed, 

Waiting patiently for the day to come. 

In what seemed like a split second, 

My joy was cut short,

Liquid trickled down between my legs, 

Sudden wetness, warm and sticky.


Right in the streets of Bethlehem. 

I stared into space, 

My smile slowly fading, 

Gradually replaced with a frown... 

A frown tinted with pain. 

I beckoned on my beloved, 

For the pains were intense. 

Desperate to talk, 

Yet unable to make out the words. 

I could see fear rise inside him, 

The nightmare had finally come. 

Setting me down from the donkey, 

He ran off into the streets 

His sandals slapped behind him.

I chewed my lips 

Willing the pain to stop. 

It only grew worse. 

Darkness surrounding me, 

My fears intensified,

My knees trembled with pain,

I couldn't do it alone. 

My beloved returned,

With fears so enormous,


His eyes damp with tears carved of anger,

I forced a smile through my quivering  lips,

As the words came running back to me. 

I carry the king of all kings. 

Peace settled within my soul. 

I looked up to heaven and cried out, 

And there before me stood a manger, 

My beloved seemed to see it too. 

One step was like Sharp piercing needles. 

My forehead beaded with sweat, 

Even with the cold winter wind. 

Stretched out on the cloth on the hay, 

I struggled for breath, 

Drinking in as much air into my lungs. 

It was a journey I must take alone. 

Courage enveloped me, 

The pains seemed to dampen. 

And so with my beloved pacing outside,

I did all that had to be done 

And so with screaming and one hard push... 

Life was brought into the world! 

The greatest miracle of all times!!! 

Wrapped in swaddling clothes, 

I held my wailing child up, 

He didn't have some strange birth Mark or deform.. 

He cried just like every other child would. 

His face shone with so much light, 

The world seemed to stop rotating 

And all my pains flushed away... 

Exchanged solely for gratitude and love! 

Tears rolled ceaselessly,  

Tasting of salt mingled with dust, 

Oh yes!!! 

The king of kings is born! 

The Prince of peace has made a humble entry!! 

The saviour of mankind has come!!! 

The son of God. 

The child begotten not of human intercourse, 

The well of joy grew deeper, 

What a privilege to cradle him in my arms... 

A greater privilege to nurse him with my milk! 

An honour I'm undeserving of. 

While I lay still in awe, 

Men introduced as shepherds trooped in,

With a tale too strange to be real,

But I wasn't surprised 

This child was truly the son of God. 

And as they worshipped him, 

I could only cry with joy,

For the people of God will finally find freedom, 

God himself had come to earth, 

And that is all the world will ever need!!!

Written by Onah Gold (2017)

inspired by Luke 1:26 - 2:21


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