#182: Echoes of Dark Times (A Christmas Message)


The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light,

and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death,

Light has dawned! (Matthew 4:16)

Christmas draws nearer and as we continue to look through scriptures on Christmas themes, may God open our eyes to the realities of the season. Amen.

Light has dawned! Hallelujah!! But before then, the people sat in darkness.

In this passage, Matthew is alluding to a poem in Isaiah; Isaiah 9. Yes, the same chapter with the famous "for unto us a child is born". I will encourage you to read the chapter in your spare time. Because one must ask; what is it about this child that is born? Why is this Son that is given to us important? The answer simply put is in the echoes of dark times. You will find out that in vs 4, Isaiah said God would deliver them, but when he went on to describe how that would happen, it would be through a child being born; through a son being given. And that is Christmas.

O the famous dark ages - the time between the old and new testament. In those days, it was 400 years since God spoke through an angel, prophet or even donkey. It was radio silence from heaven. The torments that Israel bore from the brutal Roman empire could have been endured a bit if only God was saying something. The remnant from the exile had returned home to rebuild the ruins, it was nothing compared to the glory of the past, yet God was saying that the glory of the latter would be greater than the glory of the former (Haggai 2:9). Then it turned from bad to worse. No glory clouds. In his vision, Ezekiel had already seen the glory cloud leave Jerusalem. Where was God? Was He done with His covenant with Abraham?

But just as we learned in 2 episodes ago, God never turns His face from us. Even in our darkness, when we cannot see Him, He sees us. He is the God who sees us. David knew this when he said, "even the darkness is not dark to You" (Psalm 139:12). So also, from our key passage, those who sat in darkness saw the light! They saw Jesus!! Jesus is the Light that has dawned!!! But how does He break into our darkness?

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!

How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wing, but you were not willing!

See! Your house is left to you desolate, for I say to you,

you shall not see me no more till you say, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD" (Matthew 23:37-39)

So, the bible introduced us to a noble Israelite virgin named Mary who lived in those dark ages. She lived in the echoes of dark times; but most importantly, she said Yes to God; she said "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD". She was like the ark of God; for she bore in her womb the bodily form of the Godhead. But this is not something that only Mary is privileged for; we all can have the Spirit of Jesus dwelling in us. Will you invite Him in today?

Just like the people who sat in darkness, we all find ourselves in similar situations - in the shadow of death, it seems. But all hope is not lost. The good news is that Light has dawned!!! That is why we are celebrating Christmas today:

for unto us, a child is born

unto us, a son is given... (Isaiah 9:6)

Will you make room for Jesus to be born in you? The altar call to be born again is so-called because when you surrender and welcome Him, saying, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD" a new life is birthed in you. Accept Jesus today.


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