#28: DOUBT (II)

Mary said to the angel, “I am a virgin. How can this be?” Luke 1:34

This week, we see another scenario where the dictates of God mesmerizes the scope of our human imagination. This on its own is a good thing, it is actually the reason why we should have faith. Faith implies depending on God, [because you have seen your handicapped abilities].

Notice the difference in today’s text and the text of last week. While last week was boasting of the impossibility of God’s word coming to pass, this week we see how to handle God’s word. God is always ready to explain to us what we do not understand in His Word (John 16:13), because He knows that Spiritual matters cannot be understood naturally. Let us look at what God wants us to learn from the response given to Mary:
And the angel answered and said unto her, the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:… Luke 1:35

While you may be looking at your competence, and when you measure it with the expectation of God you find incompetence, this should not bring any fear or doubt, because God’s ultimate plan is to come upon you and overshadow you [as you are]. Many times we want to help God have His way by going ahead to try to upgrade ourselves, but today God is bringing to light that all that He needs is already what we have available (II Kings 4:2; Exodus 4:2; Gen 18:19)

REFLECTION: For with God, nothing shall be impossible; only believe!


Bassey Dawn.


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