#226 - Paul: Untimely Born

When it was decided that we would sail for Italy, I and some other prisoners were handed over to a centurion named Julius who belonged to the Imperial Regiment. (Acts 27:1)

While sailing through the waters towards Italy, Julius always seemed to show interest in me at every port. He was shocked as to why I was smiling and happy on my way to trial. He once asked me one day while he brought my food to my cabin he said:

"Paul, why do you do these things with so much joy? What pleases you to be a witness to all these things you say?"

I was happy hearing that question, I sat him down intending to pour him through my story.

"Julius I will start from the beginning."

"Alright Paul, I have the time", Julius said, with glee.

So, began I to tell my story, "As a member of the Sanhedrin, I hated the followers of Christ I even approved the tragic death of the first believer at the point of persecution. I watched over the coats of the men who stoned Stephen to death. As I watched, I was wondering why this man was feeling elated at the point of his death. That event made me more active, the church was scattered throughout Judea and Samaria just because of me, and my fame of terror had flown with the winds across the lands to every ear. I dragged the believers from house to house to prison; my conscience never got pricked."

"How then were you saved?" Julius asked me almost immediately.

"Matching into the rage to get the believers in Damascus to prison, a bright light shone on me from heaven. It was brighter than the sun sure it did rid me of my sight. Jesus told me when He appeared to me that I was persecuting Him. He said, "I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen and will see of me." Yes! My eyes needed to go blind, the eyes of a person about to be a witness for Jesus had to be rid of the dirt, darkness and death. Any eye that has seen Jesus must be rid of the past he had seen. I was and I am still God's instrument. After Ananias had prayed for me and ministered to me, something like scales fell from my eyes and I could see again; a new sight, both spiritually and physically, you could say that I was reborn. I was baptized and I ate, regaining my strength.

Now, do you know why I have told you my conversion story? The most important thing about my story is that by this time, the church was already born; the Jesus community in Jerusalem was waxing strong day by day under the teachings of the apostles. I joined the party late. I do not know which is worse - that I persecuted the church or that I did not join the faith from the start. For I am the least of the apostles; untimely born. I do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I tormented the church of God. The other apostles stayed with Jesus for over 3 years. I am truly the least of them. But by grace, I am what I am. I work harder than all of them yet it is not me, but the grace of God that enables me, I couldn't do it all on my own. That is why I can be the witness that I have been called to be, even to the point of crucifixion (I Cor 15).

I was given strength, I was considered trustworthy even though I was the worst of sinners. Even if you're the "worst of sinners", there is no extent you go that Jesus' hands of saving grace can't reach you. I was shown mercy because all my acts were done in ignorance and unbelief.

"I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example of those who would believe in him and receive eternal life." (1Tim 1:16)

If I could be called to be a witness I don't see why you can't be one for Christ. Just accept Jesus today. Don't let all the years that you have spent as a hedonist discourage you from following Christ. Just like me, God can redeem those years into a valuable lifetime.

Julius was pleased and touched, he gave his life at that moment. The next moment, the terrors of a storm hit the ship hard, but I was glad that I had shared my story.

Written by Caleb Ayeni


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