#65: Self Pride in Question

But Moses said to God, "who am I that I should go to Pharoah and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" Exodus 3:11

Sometimes we forget that the Moses in this chapter of Exodus is the same Moses in the chapter 2 of Exodus. What could have happened to Moses who felt that he could save the Israelites [all by his strength and influence]? At this point God had frustrated Moses as if to squeeze every pride and esteem he had for himself and his ambition. At this point, he had lost his youth, he had lost his position of influence in the palace, he had lost his ground amongst the Israelites, there was no possible way that saving the Israelites could be possible as far as Moses was concerned, yet this was the right time that God could move through Moses.

Before now, the deliverance songs and praise would have been given to Moses, but God, in His jealous nature, wanting all the glory to belong to Him, saw it pleasing to make Moses pass through many discomfort and failures until he saw the need for a "God".

Do you ever pass through situations that blow your mind; situations where you say to yourself "I'll go out as before and..." (Judges 16:20b), and you turn out unsuccessful, go back to God; He is bringing you to the point where you have no pride in yourself. It is time to come to the point where Moses doubted himself and said, "who am I...?" God is bringing you to your knees. Let go, and let God.

Thought: Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses...for when I am weak, then I am strong. II Cor 12:9-10


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