But Jesus said, “Judas, is it with a kiss that you betray the Son of Man?” Luke 22:48 (GNB)

This was the first time Judas was coming in contact with Jesus after betraying him. The way this meeting was going to end was more tragic than the whole betrayal. As he was leaning over to Jesus, I could quietly perceive the LORD expecting a whisper in his ear from Judas saying “master, forgive me! I have sinned.” But alas, it was a kiss that Judas gave his master. You can perceive how disappointed Jesus was, from the tone of our key verse. Jesus was so surprised, he asked the stern question to Judas “is it with a kiss that you betray the Son of Man?” I can hear the Spirit of God quietly asking us the same question today. After betraying God for worldly fame, and glory, were you apologetic, remorseful or repentant? Or you just went right back to the congregation of the brethren to lift “holy hands”? This is hypocrisy!

Scriptures make us understand that Judas actually thought his betrayal of Jesus had no consequences. He thought he could betray His LORD and still have Him. He was wrong, and even though he was now repentant, he never met Jesus, he instead went to the enemy (Matt 27:3-5). He still got it wrong. It applies to us too. That is why we must be reconciled with God.

The bible tells us of another man, a king this time, that betrayed God, and instead of being apologetic, he decided to sacrifice. He betrayed God with sacrifices (1 Sam 15:10-23). One key thing to note is that these attributes of sacrifices and kisses are deeds to show deep love for God, yet it was not what God was looking for at that moment. Their actions had a form of godliness, but lacked the power thereof.

Is the LORD convicting you of hypocrisy? Have you betrayed God, and covered up with a kiss or a sacrifice? Jesus is not happy.

THOUGHT: is it with a kiss that you betray the Son of Man? Which does the LORD prefer: obedience or offerings and sacrifices?

Happy Sunday.


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