#39: One is our Master


One is our Master,
the blessed Redeemer,
Strong is the bond that
unites us in Him:
Oh, may the love
His own Spirit hath kindled
Burn with a light
that will never grow dim.

Brethren in Jesus,
let us be faithful,
Faithful to Him
who is guiding our ways;
True in allegiance
and loving obedience,
Till in His glory hosannas we raise.

One is our Master;
with gladness we’ll serve Him,
“Doing the will” of the
Lord “from the heart,”
Knowing His strength
is made perfect in weakness—
All that is needful
His grace will impart.

One is our Master,
the highest and noblest,
Yet in His tenderness
always “the same”;
Be it our honour
to follow His banner,
Blessing for ever be unto His name.

One is our Master;
and happy those servants,
Watching and ready
whene’er He may come;
Changed in His image,
from “glory to glory,”
Joyful reward in
His kingdom and home.


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