#36: HOPE II

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive be delivered? (Isaiah 49:24)

It is one thing to be a prey, it is another for your predator to be mighty. Every prey always quietly prays that he be delivered, but when in the hands of a might, that hope vanishes. In like manner some captivities as abduction and kidnapping are unlawful, so you have hope of the state and federation backing you up for your release; but when your captivity is lawful, such hope vanishes. Today’s scripture brings a vivid scenario of hopeless situations. The answer to the question posed by the passage is for whoever is in this situation to write a will as soon as possible, and prepare to die. No matter how you must have answered the question of that hopeless situation, you need to sit back now and listen attentively for what God has to say:

But thus saith the LORD, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: (Isaiah 49:25a)

Hallelujah!!! Our God is mighty to save. No matter how mighty our predator is, God is sovereign over all. Even though we deserve the captivity that we are in because of some covenants we may have made with the kingdom of darkness in our days of ignorance, God is mighty to save. The wages of sin is death. Sin is a very terrible master. Every captive of sin is lawful because they are in the realm of the evil one to use them as he chooses. But God is here today to deliver. That is not the end of your story, there is no sin that is too grave to be forgiven.

And all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. (Isaiah 49:26b)

God ended His salvation speech with the reason He is going to be stepping into our hopeless situations as from this week. It is so that we will acknowledge His Sovereignty. Most times, we are victims of the salvation of God, yet, we just take it as our birthright. Let us deliberately sing victory songs in the Victor’s name for these great things the LORD will be doing for us.

ACTION POINT: I look to You LORD, use me as an instrument to display your Sovereignty for the world to see. Amen.

Happy Sunday.


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