“…Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld your son, your only son.” Gen 22:12b (NIV)

The heart of man is deceitful above all things and beyond cure; who can understand it? This question raised in Jer 17:9 was answered in vs 10, “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind…” There is always a slim chance of never meaning what we confess (Matt 15:8, Isa 29:13). The heart can be very deceptive. It takes the LORD to deliberately search and examine everything we say and do in order to know for sure if we are what we confess to be (Psa 7:9; 64:6b, I Chro 28:9).

Never think that God will not need prove from you that you fear Him. One of the most common way we prove that we are serious with God is when we have come to the point where indeed we have no other gods before Him (Exo 20:3). These gods could come in many forms, especially things that we value and love. For father Abraham, there was a likelihood that Isaac could stand as a god in between Abraham and The Almighty. Abraham proved his loyalty by sacrificing Isaac.

If there is any Isaac in our hearts that we are compromising with; that we are not willing to sacrifice is enough reason to show to us that we are not what we confess to be-followers of Christ. Today is another opportunity to surrender all to God. Do not withhold anything back, even if it is “Isaac-your only son”.

THOUGHT: What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my LORD, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, THAT I MAY GAIN CHRIST (Phil 3:8). What have you practically counted as loss-to gain Christ and His approval? Don’t just think it, live it daily. The heart is deceptive.

Happy Sunday

Bassey Dawn.


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