His disciples asked Jesus what this parable meant, Luke 8:9 (GNB)

Jesus had just finished telling a parable as was usual of him. Note that the audience was a large crowd as emphasized in verse 4, but majority of the crowd went home after the long sermon, probably satisfied because they were healed, or they were fed, but the gravity of the sermon that Jesus was trusting their ears to heed (verse 8b) fell on deaf ears. They all went home the same way they came as far as heaven was concerned. Those who would stop at nothing till they got to the bottom of the gist that Jesus was speaking about were called disciples.

One of the characteristics of Jesus’ disciples was that they would always draw back and ask for the interpretation of the parable as we see in our anchor text.

How many times do we read the bible in our quiet places and entreat God for the underlying meaning of what He is bringing your way? After church service, do you have an alone with God moment where you ask God to cement the burden that the pastor was trying to lay in church? If your answer is no to all these questions, then I am afraid that you are no different from the crowd that Jesus mostly came across with (John 6:29-59).

Today you have to make a decision to stop being satisfied with the miracles and signs that are portrayed in crusades. There is actually more than that, which God wants to reveal to you, but only when you take the next step to ask for it.

God has called us to be competent ministers, but ministers of the Spirit, and not of letters, for the letter kills, and the spirit gives life (II Cor 3:6).

The Spirit is beyond the letters, it comes to those who diligently seek for it. It is the nature of God to keep treasures in the secret. It is His nature to cover it with clouds of darkness. It is our duty to draw nigh to Him and His promises in Isaiah 45:3 will come to pass in our lives.

PRAYER: Dear LORD, reveal to me the mysteries of your word (II Cor 2:6-16)  today as I tarry at your feet today. Amen.

Happy Sunday.

Written by DiDi


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