When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O LORD!”. Luke 5:8.

There are moments in life when the glory and supremacy of God is revealed to you as a human, and you can perceive your emptiness and woes. At this point, we have to be careful how we handle this feeling. If not handled properly, it could lead us to further destruction. Can you compare the response that Peter gave in verse 8 with the one he gave in verse 5?

But Simon answered and said unto Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing, NEVERTHELESS AT YOUR WORD I WILL LET DOWN THE NET”

In both verses it was clear to Peter of his short comings. Peter must have been a very honest man. He was never beating around the bush, but in v5, after being honest, he still left room for the Master to have his way. A repentant heart always leaves room for the NEVERTHELESS (in spite of what proceeded; yet) of God’s power that saves lost souls. Thank God that Jesus was quick to react to Peter’s recent status (the status of self-condemnation) in verse 10-And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. This is a consolation!

Even in our state of self-condemnation, if we listen carefully, the Spirit of God will be ministering grace and hope. One of the attributes of the Holy Spirit in us is to be a reminder [to bring our mission statement back to mind and set us on path for our work on earth]. Thank God that Peter got back on track and followed Jesus beyond his present status-they forsook all and followed Him (v 11b).

The way we respond to God’s teaching to us is supposed to lead to a repentance and a change of life, and not further condemnation. When the bible proclaims that “For all have sinned…” (Rom 3:23) it is because it is only sinners that need to be saved. So if the bible cannot convict you of your sins and short comings, then there is no part of life that needs to be changed or forgiven. It is our response to the conviction that determines whether we will be saved or remained condemned.

PRAYER: LORD, as I read your Word daily, teach me to know that You have not visited me to condemn me, but that through you I will become a better man. As you show me my weaknesses and sin, help me to surrender them totally to you. Amen.

Written by DiDi

Happy Sunday.


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