So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses”. Exodus 3:4

Just like Moses, we have all had our “burning bush” experience. When we think about divine encounters we are always expecting God to come down in clouds of fire and visit us, but do you know that there are everyday activities that occur that God wants to use our “curious” nature to attract us to Him. When Moses saw the burning bush, he wanted to turn aside to see the great side, but that is not when the call of God was voiced out. God began to speak when “He [the LORD] saw that he turned aside to look”.

Faith without works is dead [also]. James 2:26b

Without faith it is impossible to please God, but James is telling us that faith is not complete without works. That was the significant of the step that Moses made by actually turning aside, and not just perceiving it in His heart.

As we go through this week, God wants us to be sensitive to experiences that may turn out to be an encounter. It will become an encounter only if we act what we believe (faith+works). Do not let anything else become a distraction from you turning aside and having the attention of heaven.

Happy Sunday.

Written by DiDi.


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