“you are that man,” Nathan said to David. II Samuel 12:7a (GNB)

Many times when we read the scriptures, it has no effect because we are not reading it as a medium through which God speaks to us as a man speaks with another man. We read the Bible like a regular novel. One of the potent ways that God speaks to us is via His written Word in scriptures. God’s Word is His comprehensive equipment for changing lives; meaning that God’s Word is for changing lives, but only at the point that you comprehend it.

The Word of God was coming to David, and David was feeling that it was about a ‘certain man’, but through the help of God’s prophet, he was able to be corrected in his perception of the message. He got to know that he was that man. And God is pointing to us today, that it is us He is referring to on a daily basis when we study scriptures. The days of Abraham and Moses, and Paul are over. Reading about them, and just ending at knowing how their lives went is taking and using the Bible as a history journal. But in the place of meditation and study, as we allow the Spirit of God interpret these words accordingly and breathe life into them, we begin to see it affect us.

As he said to them “This passage of scripture has come true today, as you heard it being read” Luke 4:21

This is the daily experience that God wants us to have as we read His Word. Have you ever read a verse, and it sinks so deep, and beyond doubt you know that it was written for you. It is glorious to know that the same occurs for each and every verse in the Holy Book. None was written mistakenly that didn’t refer to you and your situation. We must be careful not to be as careless as David was.

All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness II Timothy 3:16

REFERENCE POINT: Heavenly Father I am so sorry for overlooking your Word most at time. Cause that Your Spirit constantly remind me of my need for Your Word every day as an instrument to make me a better me. Amen.


written by DiDi.


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