“…In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (GNB)

What a responsibility on the head of every believer- to be a light. Light is only needed in darkness. Light makes a difference. The preceding verses, as illustrated in The Message Bible shows the depth of the responsibility more clearly. It is as though God is speaking emphatically to us, saying: “the place that you are is your “mountain”, the very mountain that I [the LORD] placed you on, what you are to do is just shine.” This mountain may include our intellect, our charisma, our beauty, our substance, our skills and talents, our place of work, our department, school, and so many to name; just anywhere you find yourself. It means that every place, and position that we find ourselves in (by God’s grace) is a strategic stand point that God has placed us, so that we can affect lives.

How is God going to achieve this?
The verse above can be divided into two segments to answer this question. The first is for our light to shine before men to see, and the second part is for them to give praise to God. In between is where our responsibility really lies.

The light will attract men to us. It is purely natural to prefer the rising sun to that which sets. But the most important and hardest part is how to make them glorify our Father in heaven. We must point them to God. What a strategy that God involves us in. How many a times have we disappointed God by just getting all the applauds, glory, and just “thanking God for making us noticed”. How many a times we have missed the basic point. Today God is bringing this charge to awaken in us our fundamental responsibility as a believer.

Written by DiDi.

Happy Sunday


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