#215: HYMN REVIEW: Where Art Thou?


"...For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost" Luke 19:10

The Almighty God likes to gist. He enjoys talking and laughing, especially with men. It gives Him satisfaction and deep contentment. Communion with men gives Him so much pleasure that He would leave His house in heaven and travel unmeasurable kilometres to fellowship with man. He started this beautiful relationship with our great grandfather Adam and his wife Eve. They would walk and talk in the evening when the day was over.


Furthermore, there are top-level details about this admirable koinonia God had with Adam and Eve. The Bible reveals that "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth." John 4:24. God cannot meddle with sin. God is holy and dwells in holiness, separate from everything that defiles. God's only begotten Son cried out in Psalm 22:1, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Why are You so far from helping Me, And from the words of My groaning?" God's nature is impeccable holiness and purity. Thus, Adam and Eve hosted God only because they were holy. They even cared for their garden in obedience and chastity of heart until sin was found in them.


Pastor Daniel Otis Teasley wanted to describe the state of the Almighty God whenever He comes for fellowship with any human being, including you and I, and He finds us absent. It was Adam and Eve who first went missing. On one particular day, a day only remembered in pain. A day that forever altered the history of man. God came in the cool of the day as His custom was, and our grandparents were AWOL. He then popped the question: "... Where art thou?"


"Where art thou?" is not a question to get information. Our God is omnipresent, and He is the all-seeing and all-knowing God. Little wonder the Psalmist in Psalm 139:7-12 said, "...where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?." The book of Hebrews further informed us that there is no hiding from the creator of the universe. Hebrews 4:13, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight, and everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."


There are several purposes to the question "where art thou?" Yet the only reason that seems unfathomable to a sinner's mind is love. Our God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son as a ransom for our sins. Adam and Eve had sinned, and God knew it. Adam was aware and even afraid, and Eve was also in the know. Yet God's love for fellowship supersedes the errors of man. Luke 15:4 informs us that our God will leave the ninety-nine in search of a lost sheep. He would even throw a welcome party and clothe the prodigal son with the choicest robe on the day he decides to come back to the father, Luke 15:22.


His questions are to awaken His erring children of their departure from the confines of the kingdom. His questions are also vivid reminders of the deplorable state of sin that His beloved children have fallen. The Bible even records that He moves from questioning to chastisement. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves and chastises every son He receives." Hebrews 12:6. Pastor Dan expertly informs us in his Hymn: "Where art thou?" the four states' men can be, and their Spirit will be questioned just as our forefather Adam.

1. O sinner, where art thou?

Thy soul, designed for light,

Is like the raging ocean,

Or storms of sullen night.

The first state is the state of the sinner. The Bible records in 2 Corinthians 4:4, "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." The sinner is lost. He is not on the radar of light, and Christ came so that every single sinner is found. The earnest desire of God is for everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth 1 Timothy 2:4. Are you a sinner today? Christ came just because of you. He loves to fellowship, and He desires to commune with you.

2. Neglecter, where art thou?

Oh, do not be too late!

This call may leave you hopeless,

Tomorrow seal your fate

The second state is the one that neglects so great a call like the call of Christ. Hebrews 2:3 asks a very profound question; "how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? " Dearly beloved, God has been knocking on the door of your heart, do not harden your heart. There is a place for you in the kingdom, no matter how far you think you have sailed. God wants you in His kingdom, and He never tires of beckoning you to come home. Yet, I must gently remind you that our days are numbered, and we must use them wisely to win laurels when we leave this mortal body.

3. Backslider, where art thou?

Since thou hast gone astray,

No peace attends thy spirit,

Thou'rt weary all the day

The third category is the backslider. The one who has come to the table and has once had communion with the master and yet has strayed away. Jesus never gives up, mate. He is right at your door. He wants you back where you belong. Oh, the prodigal son went very far to a new country. Yet the gentle whispers of the master found him out. God is here today, speaking to your heart. Kindly forgive yourself and accept the master's love.

4. O Christian, where art thou?

Thy happy soul is blest,

While waiting by the river,

For thy eternal rest.

The last category is somewhat surprising. Jesus is also calling saints. He wants us to finish our race on earth without blemish. He quietly whispers to remind us that though the journey may be rough, yet, the destination is sure.

Ch. Where art thou? Where art thou?

Brother, on life's way?

Where art thou? Where art thou?

Where goest thou today?

Reviewed by Joel Aboderin


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