#208: BOOK REVIEW: Quiet Steps to Becoming Prodigal by Lanre Adeboye
These are behind the scenes happenings of the prodigal son, narrated by the the son from his own perspective. The silent steps that led to his prodigality, are the steps he nicely recounted to us in comprehensive ways.
This son was a product of love and discipleship, he had all he needed, working with his dad and not for him as a slave. He was given the best upbringing we could ever imagine. He was taught by his mother(Holy Spirit), he ran to her whenever there was a slight trouble.
"As years came upon years and I acquired knowledge, and it puffed me up and made me feel big... "
This son started experiencing his problems as he began to grow. He felt too big to be contained in the space he had been made in. Knowledge created something in him that wasn't meant to be there in the first place; a strong desire to get answers to the questions of his heart. He felt he could get the answers he needed outside.
Many of us have questions we need answers to, but we decide to look for the answers beyond the walls of spiritual discipleship and mentorship. Funny enough it's just our desires wanting to find an expression. The thoughts of sexual immorality of all sorts playing in our minds, wants to pass beyond the theory level and engage in the practical.
Questions such as "What really happens when I drain a full bottle of Whisky?" and the likes, often pushes the individual to engage in the real activity.
Like the son, we've began to "query the very principles that had protected and guided us". "Why can't anyone around allow me to attend that bash party?" "Why can't I be smoochy with the one I love? " All these questions eventually makes one scale the fence of protection and guidance. For where our treasures are, there will be the focus of our hearts also, and where our hearts are, there will our thoughts be, and where our thoughts frequent, there will our bodies follow. If our hearts have wandered far, be careful for our legs will soon follow.
- Tired of Being Tied
His supposed growth made him tired of the healthy ropes that kept him safe. He wanted to be 'his' own man, forgetting he was his father's man. His father had his own definitions of who he could call a man, but he decided to be called a man on his own terms and conditions.
Like him, we've decided to drive with natural knowledge instead of the wisdom the Father has granted. We want to be the sole owner of ourselves. We don't see the need to obey again, and that is the major catalyst into creating an avenue for our escape. We direly needed our independence, and clearly we won't be careful to please the will of our superior. Rebellion is just the ending for persons like us that crave independence.
Conflicts from within and taunts from without, fuelled the growing fire of disobedience within the son. The conflict going on in his mind couldn't let him think well, his peers shooting their fiery darts into his mind, blossomed the 'burning bush', the only difference was that he was being consumed by this fire.
Like the son, we've solicited to obtaining the junk provided by Satan and his devices. We want nothing less than accomplishing that which we've negatively received. We've forgotten that in all we do, in our attitudes, we should be like Jesus- Philippians 2:5.
- A Triplet of Selfish Passions
"...Yea, but even in backsliding, no proper well-brought-up son ever begins by playing with harlots. No! They don't. "
A mixture of harmful passions that fuel the strong desire for independence, have been be engaged. The son has put to great use the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and pride of life. He began to open his door to these dangerous strangers. He noticed asking his father for things he saw flashed all around, was a waste of efforts and time. He couldn't get hold of what he eyes saw, in the confinement of his father. He decided to escape from his grip. He could not flaunt his shoulders in pride over the importance he placed on himself. The son just wanted freedom.
Like him, we're so desperate for freedom, that we don't see the shackles ahead. Our lust drives us far away from who we are or we're meant to be, in the sight of our Father. Those strong desires chains our consciousness that was initially tuned to the frequency of the Father. Whatever our eyes saw was what we possessed.
We have forgotten that "not all that glitters is gold".
- Out Beyond Tutelage
"Sonship, like discipleship is completely voluntary..."
The son was expecting an argument, his stony heart couldn't sense his father's calmness. His father won't force him!
For us it's very dangerous, no matter how we wish to be pushed our drawn to discipleship, it's entirely our choice. It's like a doctor telling a cancerous patient "Here's the cure to your problem... But it's your choice to take it". How painfully funny it is to see something of great value being placed as optional and yet many despise it. Imagine a scene of persons walking past a rock of diamonds and yet not picking a piece of diamond for themselves.
May we not be foolish to walk away from tutelage. He loves us but he won't force it on us.
The son was out! He embarked on a journey to "a far country!" His prodigal spirit couldn't thrive at home, it could only blossom outside tutelage, painfully!
He flew away from guidance, he resented the boundaries, and abhorred the discipline of his parents.
Many of us have embarked on such a journey like the prodigal son, we've gone far away from home, the abode of divine comfort. We've decided to pursue after the pleasures of the world instead of righteousness.
The son continued by narrating his story through the occurrences and events that surrounded his 'twin sister's' downfall. Dinah as she was called, was a lady confined like him, with strict surveillance from her army of brothers, and watchful eyes of Mummy Leah. She felt choked by the love they were giving her. She felt she had outgrown those excessive pamperings. She saw her mates 'enjoying' and wished to be a partaker.
Things began to work in her favour, she thought she was lucky. Was use is a luck from the kingdom of darkness? It rather creates a lock!
She went out secretly but got disgraced publicly, bringing shame to all that knew her. Many also have threaded her path, wandering away from the godly love of family to the gutter love of the likes of Prince Shechem.
...and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. Matt. 6:4
I know the verse above refers to the doing of good without ostentation, but it's also good to know that it works in reverse also. This enlightenment should make us take heed of our lives!
As the son went on, he narrated the actual waste his life experienced, he lost his substance; what made him weighty and solid to be able to create an impact, he lost his inner satisfaction and lost his ability to control himself. Though in his poverty of soul and pocket, this son's heart was still arrogant, unattentive to 'the quiet home call' which came about through the famine of the land. The environment punished him. Instead of repenting, he went further in rebelling. He devised his own means to get solution. He went to look for friendship or relationship from the citizens of the strange land he was in, he wasn't looking for a job, he was surrounded by persons who took no value in who he was but what he could offer, since he had nothing, he was reduced to an ordinary slave feeding swines. This was the height of it! The repeating occurrences that he faced couldn't just retain the thoughts of him returning home from coming. His arrogance was broken by the oppression he faced.
We don't have to reach this level before we make our decision to live godly lifestyles. The earlier the better, we all don't have to face suffering before we come to our senses.
The son started making preparations on how he was going home, how he would face his father, mother and brother. He rehearsed his speech of repentance. He forsook all he acquired from the strange land and headed for home! He knew he had to beg his Father directly, 'face à face' Not by proxy, correspondence, or sneaking through the back door. He would have to face his Dad!
We need to learn from his steps of repentance. Forsaking all and looking unto the Father!
Oh the heart of The Father! Merciful beyond human comprehension, loving without looking for a reason to, loving generally with no despise look.
The Father engaged in the Art of Restoring his son; He put his bosom to work, waited for the repentance of his prodigal son, and finally re-integrated the repentant son. He identified with the dead but now alive son.
This brings out a lesson. That no matter how decayed we are, no matter how long gone we are, the Father is still waiting to identify with us. He's ready to embrace and celebrate your homecoming! He's not judging you for your misdeeds, instead he'll joy in your return.
In conclusion,
"I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. " Luke 15:7(KJV)
Thanks for this interesting & insightful journey. May prodigals be at last found in the father's embrace.
ReplyDeleteNot all that glitters is gold. May God help us.