
Showing posts from June, 2022

#208: BOOK REVIEW: Quiet Steps to Becoming Prodigal by Lanre Adeboye

  These are behind the scenes happenings of the prodigal son, narrated by the the son from his own perspective. The silent steps that led to his prodigality, are the steps he nicely recounted to us in comprehensive ways. This son was a product of love and discipleship, he had all he needed, working with his dad and not for him as a slave. He was given the best upbringing we could ever imagine. He was taught by his mother(Holy Spirit), he ran to her whenever there was a slight trouble. "As years came upon years and I acquired knowledge, and it puffed me up and made me feel big... " This son started experiencing his problems as he began to grow. He felt too big to be contained in the space he had been made in. Knowledge created something in him that wasn't meant to be there in the first place; a strong desire to get answers to the questions of his heart. He felt he could get the answers he needed outside. Many of us have questions we need answers to, but we decide to look f...

#207: BOOK REVIEW: God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew, John & Elizabeth Sherrill.

  ‘Lord, in my luggage I have Scripture that I want to take to Your children across this border. When you were on earth, You made blind eyes see. Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind. Do not let the guards see those things You do not want them to see.' This is the true story of Brother Andrew, a Dutchman who has spent his life working for God in places where Christianity is forbidden by the government. It is the tale of his wayward youth, his conversion, the powerful work of God in his life, and his trust in the sovereign God of the universe. During the Cold War, Brother Andrew smuggled Bibles into countries behind the Iron Curtain-a term indicating the imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. This was a very hostile region to Christians. In a time when there were no significant Human Right Movements or the media to cover inhuman treatments, Bro Andrew took risky and daring moves to tak...

#206: BOOK REVIEW: The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

  It was the morning of February 28, 1944, when her bedroom door flew open, and a man barged into her room. "What's your name", he asked "Get up, Get dressed" he commanded Who was this man? Who was this woman? Where was he taking her to? What was going to happen now? The hiding place is a true story dated during World War II and the Nazi invasion. It is a beautifully crafted story that, depicts the strength of a heart that has found true love in Jesus and steadily holds on to the hope that even the darkest of nights, the goriest of nightmares, and the hardest of circumstances, have no power to separate the called from the love of Jesus. It is a warm reminder that every experience on earth is woven by the master craftsman - God, and, a specially crafted tapestry, allowed so there is a full formation for the beautiful and amazing things every son is ordained to do on earth. Wrapped in the mundane of everyday life - wristwatch repairing, housekeeping, leisurely vi...

#205: BOOK REVIEW: Complete by Goodness Adegbola

This book review is dedicated to all my brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling with identity crisis because of self-righteousness and reliance in strength, accolades, connection, and wisdom or because of past failures and sin. May this title reveal the person of Jesus graciously to you as He is freely portrayed in the gospels – the savior of mankind and our hope for righteous living and eternal life. Amen. It is almost impossible to not connect and relate with the characters as the author's literary skill makes it impossible not to. I mean, there was Lade, Moni, Terrence, David, Edward, Barnabas, Jade, the parents and just everyone. It was so interesting to see how the author brought together seemingly different people through the pages and in no time, we could connect them together. A clear message to the readers that it is a small world after all . At the back end, it becomes difficult to miss that God was at work in orchestrating the events and this stood ...