#201: The Young Shepherd

 "Don't be ridiculous!" Saul replied. "There is no way you can go against this Philistine. You are only a boy, and he has been in the army since he was a boy!" But David persisted. "I have been taking care of my father's sheep," he said. "When a lion or a bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock, I go after it with a club and take the lamb from its mouth. If the animal turns on me, I catch it by the jaw and club it to death. I have done this to both lions and bears, and I'll do it to this pagan Philistine, too, for he has defied the armies of the living God! The LORD who saved me from the claws of the lion and the bear will save me from this Philistine!" Saul finally consented. "All right, go ahead," he said. "And may the LORD be with you!" NLT

The average Christian is very conversant with the David story. Goliath's death, the younger man's victory and Israel's subsequent win in a battle that seemed impossible are all very notable aspects of Bible storytelling. Often, we read to understand the Power of God in work ignoring miracles in the most unexpected ways. We read to remind ourselves of the might of the Most High. We read to appreciate God's mercy.

This month, however, has us on a different route toward deliberate hard work. Diligence. A quality and virtue every being and entity recognize all around the world. What we must not put aside is that Diligence is also recognized spiritually. It is a defined doggedness usually inclusive of sacrifice because there is a higher goal one wishes to achieve. No matter where diligence appears, it is always recognized.

In 1 Samuel, we hear Saul stating that Goliath has been in the Army since he was a boy. He was an enemy. Albeit an evil one, his diligence was noticed when he came to the war front. He had spent enough time grooming himself properly for this time. This is what he was made for. His dedication toward such made him a very formidable foe. Saul said this to weigh his level of preparedness against such an enemy. What the King didn't know was that David had himself been diligent on his own part.

It was his confidence in this diligence that made him not fear this enemy. To him, Goliath wasn't a threat. No. He had faced other kinds of Goliaths in secret. He had trained away from public eyes, where he could be true to himself and his weaknesses. So that when he encountered this giant, it was only another obstacle on his path to growth. His compassion for his father's sheep allowed him to deliberately watch over them against any foes. He loved the sheep. This same compassion for his people coupled with a passion for the Lord's Name drove him to challenge, encounter, and face this giant fearlessly. It is clear he won by God's mercy.

Diligence has so much more to it than meets the eye. It is relevant not just to physical living and work but to spiritual growth. See, a person is only as strong as he is in his secret place. If a man is not used to encountering and overcoming challenges in his personal communion, he can't successfully face anything outside. No. He will crumble. Do you train in your secret place? Is it constant for you to grow through challenges in your walk with God? Take a heart check. If one is not conversant with attacking bears and lions alone without an audience, no matter how hard he tries he cannot kill Goliath when he meets with him unexpectedly on the battlefield. It takes a deliberate effort to continue to train, grow and increase. Diligence.

In 2 Sam 5 v17-25, David is King already yet we see him deliberately asking the Lord for guidance. Clearly, there's an attack and his people are under threat. The next course of action is to do a counter-attack. But David didn't. He went to inquire of the Lord on both occasions before doing anything. Why? Because it had become a habit by this time. If David wasn't a man who always went for advice from the Lord, nothing would have made him run that way at this critical time either. But it was already cultivated. It was built. Solid. Diligence. In chapter 6, we hear of David rejoicing as the Ark of the covenant is brought back home. Worship for him was already a lifestyle. A lifeline. A habit. It wasn't a show. His dancing and rejoicing came directly from his heart to God. This was why his wife who despised him suffered for it. He wasn't being hypocritical. He was real. He was already used to worshipping in Spirit and in Truth. Diligence.

King David dedicated all these gifts to the LORD, along with the silver and gold he had set apart from the other nations he had subdued--
2Sam.8.11 NLT

Our young shepherd is now King. But he hasn't let his position stop him from giving honour to God. King David from chapters 7 through 8 is recorded always giving God glory and asking for directions and leading. He seemed to be in a position where he didn't have anything to worry about anymore but he didn't let that stop him from giving glory to whom glory is due. He didn't let it stop him from continuing to worship. It didn't stop him from always asking God for directions. On the contrary, it drew him closer to Elohim.

Diligence is an aspect of life (Spiritual and Physical) that brings honour to one because it deliberately gives honour to God. To grow in this Spirit life, Diligence is simply sacrosanct because we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling so that we don't lose it. Handle your spirit carefully and deliberately. 

Shalom. 💖

-Written by Precious Marcus


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