#153: THE 11TH HOUR

“So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, “Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.” And when those who came who were hired about the 11th hour, they each received a denarius.”
(Mathew 20:8-9)

Jesus tells his disciples a parable, narrating the story of a land owner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for His vineyard.
He agreed with the laborers to pay them the normal daily wage which was a denarius and sent them into his vineyard to start working.
He went out the 3rd hour and met others standing idle in the market place. He called them to work as well in his vineyard and agreed to pay them a fair price.
He went out again the 6th and the 9th hour and repeated the same thing.
At the 11th hour, he still met others standing idle, and the excuse given was that there was no one to hire them. He hired them immediately and sent them into his vineyard to join the others as well.
Now it was pay time and each person was given the same wage; a denarius whether they came to work at the 1st hour, or the 3rd hour, or the 6th hour, or the 9th hour, or the 11th hour. 
Crazy right? Am sure you must be thinking what I'm thinking and surely what the earlier workers thought as well.

Well, it doesn't matter what I may have been thinking or what you could have been thinking, but this speaks to me in volumes the Mercy and the grace of God.
2020 has been one of a kind of a year; I really don’t know what more to call it.
A lot of people have tagged this year as the worst year ever.
I hear some people say that they just can't wait for the year to come to an end so that they can finally have a life.
Others say that they do not even count this year as a year or it should probably be removed from the calender.
Well we can’t lie to ourselves that it didn’t exist or deny the fact that it did, because it did exist; infact we’re living in it right now. But oh well, it’s coming to an end and I’m sure many just can’t wait to get out of it. But before you run out, let's talk.

I know that the journey has not been easy so far. Don't get angry at me just yet, wait for it. I know that it was a turbulent year full of uncertainties. I know that you may have been hurt and down cast. I know that you may have been afraid and lost all hope. I know that you may have made a lot of mistakes that were irrevocable. I know that you may have suffered one form of infirmity or the other. I know that you may have gone through some form of depression. I know that you may have experienced financial hardships and failures. I know that you may have experienced disappointments and delays. I know that you may have lost loved ones. I know that you may have lost a chunk of your life. I know that at some point, you may have wondered if God was really living. Yes I know that there’s even many more.

But I know a God as well who can help even at the 11th hour; when all hope seems lost. I know a God who is more interested in the end of a thing than the beginning. I know a God in whom the things that are impossible with men are possible with him. I know a God whom his mercy precedes his judgement. I know a God who can restore the years that the canker worms have eaten. I know a God who gives grace to overtake and recover all. I know a God whom no one can say that it’s over until He says it is. I know a God that can hire you even at the 11th hour.

It doesn’t matter how wavy the year has been for you; there’s still hope. It doesn’t matter how much time you’ve lost; there’s still a chance. It doesn’t matter how many times you failed at what you aimed for; there’s still favor. It doesn’t matter how slack and inconsistent you’ve been; mercy is still available. It doesn’t matter how and when you started; whether at the 1st hour, or the 3rd hour, or the 6th hour, or the 9th hour, or the 11th hour; You will surely receive your wage. 
We can’t return to yesterday and re-write this chapter of our lives, but we can travel into tomorrow and write that chapter of our lives. I tell you, we can make tomorrow greater

Don’t give up! Don’t let life happen to you! We face it and we come out bigger and better and stronger. The light can still be re-kindled even when it has gone out “For He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil1:16).
God has not given up on you; He never will. Don't wait for the year to end, rise up and brace yourself for the year that is to come because greater battles are ahead, but we are victorious for the Lord has gone ahead of us.
Have a fruitful year ahead!

#Father! I come boldly before your throne of grace that I may obtain mercy. Father! Have mercy. That the years that the canker worms have eaten shall be restored in Jesus name. Amen!

#Father! I receive strength to carry on and keep going. I receive grace to follow and keep following up until the end. Amen!


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