#124: The Jericho Encounter (2): Meet and Greet?

When Jesus came by, He looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. "Zacchaeus!" He said. "Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today." Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy. But the people were displeased. "He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner," they grumbled. (Luke 19:5-7)
Thank God for His grace to continue this study. In our previous study, God helped us to practically and deliberately identify things that stand between our savior and us and God's grace we saw practical steps to live above these barriers that prevent us from seeing Jesus. Today God will continue speaking to us from the story of Zacchaeus. May the entrance of His Word bring light and understanding to our hearts. Amen.
The gospel and the bible at large can be summarised in this phrase: the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. And we will be going into today's study in the light of this truth.
Last week, it looked as though Zacchaeus was going all out to see Jesus. But in verse 5, we are surprised at the twist of events. First of all, Jesus stopped when he came to where Zacchaeus was, next, He called him by name. And the crux of the whole event was that it appeared Jesus was coming to Jericho to see Zacchaeus in his house. This was too much a twist of events for one hot afternoon.
Try to recount your salvation experience (if you have been saved) and you will realise that, though it seemed as though you were the one running to God, in actual reality, in the light of your salvation experience, as you found yourself at the foot of the cross, there you discovered that all along it had been God running to you.
for no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them to Me, (John 6:44)
You didn't choose Me. I chose you (John 15:16)
we love Him because He loved us first. (I John 4:19)
This truth is reflected in many parables and encounters in the bible. A ready example is in the story of the father of two sons where we see the father running to the son [while he was still a great way off]. While he was still contemplating whether he was worthy to be called a son again; while the guilt of his sins were almost getting the better of him as if to make him stop the journey half way; while, even though he was on his way home, there was no way he could be bold to enter in through the gate with the rags he wore. while we yet sinner; that is when Jesus died for us (Rom 5:8). We could never have made it to God's standard. We all had sinned and come short of his glory (Rom 3:23). And it was in this point (of being short of the glory of God) that we see our Savior coming in our direction, not minding the shame of being associated with sinners like you and like me.
Zacchaeus just meant for a meet and a greet in the literal sense, but Jesus meant for a meet and greet in the idiomatic sense - an encounter. Now that he had found a lost soul, he was to complete his mission by saving the lost soul.
Today that Jesus has found you and is found of you, will you take him into your house? Jesus wants to come and dine in your house. He is knocking at the door; will you open for him to come in and dine and be the LORD of your heart? (Rev 3:20) Will you do all these in joy as Zacchaeus did? Even though the crowd may be all negative, will you allow that to yet come between you and the encounter which you are not worthy of.
Resolve: When Adam sinned and fell from grace, God came to him (as He always does - we are not the one that go to Him. He is the one who comes to us), but instead of finding Adam as He met Zacchaeus, steadfastly gazing at the law of liberty, Adam was hiding. Today God is coming to you; the reason why Jesus is passing by today is because he is coming to and for you. Are you hiding? Did you allow the crowd prevent Jesus from meeting you? Or you have positioned yourself at the path of grace ready for an encounter? You may have intended a meet and greet as Zacchaeus planned. But Jesus is here to do more than that. He is coming to your house to dine, abide and be the LORD. When you hear the LORD call you by name today, do not harden your heart. Open the door of your heart and let the King come in and take the throne that is rightfully His.
By God's grace next week we will be concluding this series. God bless you.
What a mystery!! the master running to the slave. Amazing love; teach us openness: Great Master and redeemer.
ReplyDeleteThe Love of God is so overwhelming