#119: Fire Brands

Samson went out and caught 300 foxes and tied them together in pairs with oil soaked rags around their tails. Then Samson took the foxes into the Philistine wheat fields that were ready to be harvested. He set the rags on fire and let the foxes go. The wheat field went up in flames, and so did the stacks of wheat that had already been cut. Even the Philistines vineyards and olive orchards burned. Judges 15: 4-5

We are trusting God to do a new thing in this generation. However, throughout history, whenever God would be making a move on the earth, it would be through a vessel that was willing to be used of Him. The story of Samson and the foxes paints a picture of how God intends to do that in His wisdom.

Samson tied the foxes with oil soaked rags: In order to set the foxes ablaze, he had to put a torch on them. In the move of God, this is the place of the Spirit of God Himself which He has given to every believer. I Cor 2:6-16 tells us that it is because we have the spirit of God that we can understand what is in the mind of God. In the absence of the Spirit of God in us, our hearts are rocky and cannot be affected; such a heart cannot be on fire for God.

Samson took the foxes into the fields that were ready to be harvested: This was very strategic and I sense the Spirit of God moving in this direction. Matthew 5 tells us that we are the light of the world and God has strategically placed us on a hill instead of hiding us under bushels. The place where the LORD has kept you is strategic; there are fields ready for harvest where you are. Have you identified them?

Samson let the foxes go: The foxes were just doing what they naturally did. But this time, they were causing havoc in the fields of the enemy. In the days of the early church, the apostles were just going about their normal activities and miracles were following, even the shadow of Peter was healing the sick (Acts 3:1-8; 5: 12-16). Even in our day to day activities knowingly and unknowingly, as firebrands for the LORD, He can take over at any moment and use us to affect the fields of the enemy.

Thought: We could plan and be carnally strategic to conquer lands for God, but we cannot fight God's battle for Him. All He needs is a willing vessel to be surrendered at the altar of sacrifice. Are you going to be the vessel that will be a firebrand for this generation?


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