#117: Giants of Faith IX: Epilogue

We bless God for thus far that He has led us in this study. In closing the study, we would like to see more practically and particularly how these stories relate to us living in this generation. May God grant us insight as we plunge deep into His Word. Amen.

The best way to read Hebrews 11 which everyone recognises as the hall of faith in the bible is to see it as a continuation from Hebrews 10 and a pretext for Hebrews 12. We will spend a few lines to discuss about the ending of Hebrews 10 and the beginning of Hebrews 12 to gain more insight on Hebrews 11.

Heb 10

Hebrews 10 started with the sacrifice of Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice that solved the age long problem of sin which was a dent to the relationship between man and God. The chapter concludes with verse 38 quoting a verse from Habakkuk 2:4.

Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. BUT the righteous will live by HIS faith.

So we see here that the righteous one will live by HIS faith and not the faith of his pastor or the faith of his parents. That is why Jesus after calming the storm turned to his disciples and asked them, “where is YOUR faith?” (Luke 8:25). And also, every time that Jesus did a miracle, he would say, “YOUR faith has made you whole”. Faith is personal and not collective.

And this is what the writer of Hebrews spent the whole of chapter 11 to explain. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. In other words, faith is not a New Testament concept. Faith had actually always existed since man needed to relate with God. And the writer gives a highlight of several persons and how their faith in God earned them a right standing with God. They didn’t trust in themselves. They did not earn a good report because of their works, but because of their faith.

Heb 12

Hebrews 12, a continuation from Hebrews 11 tells us that life is a race of faith; many have ran before us and it is our time to run ours. The rules are not going to change for us. God’s standard would still be the same for our race: that without faith no one can please Him. We therefore cannot afford to fail. Anything that would be a hindrance to the life race of faith should be laid aside. We are also introduced to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith (what makes a man to please God – the fuel of our relationship with God). He practically lived the faith life while He was on earth. And He earned a testimony: This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well PLEASED.

It is only when we have ironed out the issue of faith in God that our walk with God can go smoothly. That is when we can endure hardship and God’s disciplinary dealings in our lives as Jesus did and as all the heroes of faith did.

Final Words

Even though these 3 chapters clearly state that it is not our works that puts us in right standing with God, but our faith in Him, the writer is careful to highlight also what James said in James 2: 14-26 that faith without works is dead. One of the most reoccurring phrases in Hebrews 11 is that “because of ______’s faith, he/she did ______.” They did exploits and were only able to do such exploits because of their faith in God. If we say that we have faith in God, and that faith is at an idle state, we need to reconsider. Faith causes us to take a bold step! It causes us to dare!! Jesus said that if our faith is as small as a mustard seed, we CAN SAY to the mountain to be moved (Luke 17:6). Our faith is not for imagination. It is for action!!!

And everybody could exercise their faith only after an experience with the Almighty. There was a reason behind their faith. It was not altogether abstract. It had a basis and a premise. An experience that caused them to see the Invisible. An encounter that could not be frustrated by what was happening around them, or what their physical eyes could see. Do you lack faith? God wants to have an encounter with you today.

Can we make the same cry that Peter made to Jesus: “LORD if it is You, bid me to come to You [away from my boat of confidence in myself, to the waters, where feet may fail and I need to trust You wholly].” (Matthew 14:28). And friends, when you get the invitation to “come”, may God grant us the grace to obey and not turn back. May this be a turnaround encounter that sets us in our path for God. Amen.


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