#95: The Day The King's Son Died

For when we were still helpless, Christ died for the wicked at the time that God chose. It is a difficult thing for someone to die for a righteous person. It may even be that someone might dare to die for a good person. But God has shown us how much He loves us-It was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us. Romans 5: 6-8

It was arguably the greatest day in history. A day no one would forget in a hurry. The King's son was about to be executed. He was going to die for a good cause; not that he deserved to die or was guilty of a crime that warranted death, but he was going to die in the stead of several billions of people who deserved death. He would be their hero. Many years later, the people would sing "I'm alive today because the King's son died in my place. It should have been me, but there was a beautiful exchange."

The stage was set. The King's son walked up to the execution chamber. But just before he entered, the biggest twist of the drama was about to take place. All eyes were no longer on the King's son, but on the King. Only the King could consent to whoever would be killed in the execution chamber. I could see the dilemma on the King's face. He needed to be Just. And justice demands that all crimes should be punished. He could easily have saved His son by overlooking the crimes, but someone had to die. If His son died, everyone would not have to die again; if He saved His son from death, everyone would have to die (which would be fair enough; for indeed we deserved to die)

There was silence everywhere.  I could hear the heartbeat of my neighbour. Everyone was waiting for the King's consent. Would His son die or would we be the one to die? It was in this state of agony and pain that the King turned His back on His son and sentenced him to death. Never had I seen such love from a person as this. I still can't fathom the length and breadth and depth of this amazing love.

There was a big cheer from the crowd: "The King has saved us, the King loves us, long live the King." A whole lot of people surprisingly were also there behaving as if they didn't understand the magnitude of what just happened. I heard them mock the King's son. They laughed at his folly for dying when he should not have. They laughed at the King for not saving His son. One said, "Now that the King's son is dead, who will die again for me when next I rebel?"

But for those of us who understood or had a glimpse of what just happened, we made an allegiance that the King's son would not die in vain. We would use his death as a stepping stone to obey the laws of the King. That was the least we could do.  It wasn't an easy decision for the King, but I felt He allowed His son to die because the King needed me alive. So while I still have breathe, I will serve the King.

Any you, what have you done concerning the death of the King's son? Will you make it to be in vain?

The King's son is now alive in us. I can feel Him. He is here to help everyone to live in obedience to the King. Only He knows the heart of the King and how to please Him. His name is Jesus.


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