
Showing posts from February, 2018

#90: Left, Right or Up

... And he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. Exodus 2:11‭-‬12 NKJV I remember a story of a man who was so poor he had nothing to eat. He took his son out with him to steal from a nearby farm so they could have something to eat. When they reached the farm, he told his son to stay on guard and to alert him if anyone was coming. As he was about to start plucking out the grains his son alerted him that someone was watching them. To his surprise when he asked where the person was in an attempt to plan a subtle escape, his son pointed up. Quite often we hide in our rooms, behind our desks, under our blankets perpetrating evil. Who exactly are we hiding from? Definitely not God (Heb. 4:13). At times we struggle with diverse challenges and seek help from places that just offer its mirage. He is not oblivious of your challenges, He doesn't see just to c...

#89: As Jesus Carriers...

When they had finished the days, as they returned, the Boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem. And Joseph and His mother did not know it. Luke 2:43 The moment you give your life to Christ and accept Him as your LORD, you become a carrier of Jesus. Every believer must have this reminder in their subconscious-that a lot of things have changed and the sole reason is that there is a new Personality in them that they represent and carry everywhere they go, and so they cannot go everywhere especially where Jesus (whom they carried) would not go. They cannot do things they used to do before the way they did it because Jesus is now in the scene. Today’s passage shows us a practical example of what it means to be a carrier of Jesus. The text reads that (as far as Joseph and Mary were concerned), they had finished the days and it was time to return home; on the other hand we see that Jesus, who knows the thoughts of the Father and whose hobby is going about His Father’s business (vs 49...

#88: Weakness

Text: Heb . 11:34 "Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens." Today's topic is one I love sharing. It's my story. It about me and also something we all can relate to. Weakness! In my journey in life in Christ Jesus, I have come to discover times of ups and downs. Times when I feel like I can conquer the world and times I am not so much better than a baby needing care. Moments when the New creation in Christ Jesus has full expression in me and moments when it doesn't. Times when I can't imagine the taught of sin and times when I just can't do without looking the other way. Found out that in those low moments (times of weakness), there's normally a fight between my spirit and body for my soul. This doesn't mean I've lost my salvation. No!! Most times, I find my body winning this war; making me do things that go against my ...