#85: Misconception of Your Youthfulness

Jeremiah 1:6 (MSG)
But I said, “Hold it, Master GOD ! Look at me.
I don’t know anything. I’m only a boy! ".

Hold it! an introductory interjection, making way for his excuse in a way of grief and complaint, endeavouring with all reverence to clear himself of undertaking such a work rashly, it being properly the sigh of one that hath too great a weight upon his shoulders.

I don't know anything ; not dumb, as Zacharias, Luke 1:20 ,22 , nor stammering, as Moses, Exodus 4:10 ,14 ; he modestly excuses himself, from a consideration of the weight of the work, and the tenderness of his age, as in the next expression.

I am only a boy; either,

1. In years, and so not ripe or apt for the declaring of great things, and that to princes and nobles. Or,

2. In experience, being altogether unskilful in such affairs, not having been used to prophesy, and therefore in neither respect likely to be much regarded.

The Youth is the most productive time of one's life. What you do during this time determines what you are going to be later on. It is not a time for frivolities; it's a time to plan not play, time for work not pleasure.

Most people make excuses and refuse to respond to serious issues of life; but agree to mediocrity. They feel they are not ripe to participate in declaration of great things or aren't skillful to be used for greatness.

This is the time the Lord can get the best out of you. Avail yourself to Kingdom Business today.

ACTION POINT :  "GOD told me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m only a boy.’ I’ll tell you where to go and you’ll go there. I’ll tell you what to say and you’ll say it. Don’t be afraid of a soul. I’ll be right there, looking after you.”
GOD ’s Decree."
Jeremiah 1:7-8


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