#74: The Power in Numbers

Two are better than one;...for if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow, but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Eccl 4:9&10

This scripture hold a very salient instruction that every believer should take into consideration. Where ever we go, we are always advised to identify with a fellowship or a christian gathering; the reason for fellowship is to encourage one another and build each other up (I Thes 5:11). There is always this tendency to ignore the brethren in Christ around you, and that is very dangerous.

If they fall, the other will lift up his fellow: it is a very rare case for everyone in a fellowship to be sleeping spiritually or backsliding at the same time. There will always be a selected few that will not bow to Baal and they are the ones that God would most likely use to restore sanity to the church. Any fellowship with sleeping members is not safe at all. It is also a responsibility to lift our fellows up when we see them falling from grace. It is usually a slow fade, and if you are closely relating with your brothers in Christ, you may receive grace before you finally fall.

Woe to him that is alone when he falleth: This is the worst thing that can happen to someone. This is what happens when you distance yourself from fellowship. You have actually distanced yourself from help. There will be no one to minister to you. Since you are not noticing the slow fade, you will be dying gradually till you are lost in the world's wilderness hoping never to return.

How can one be warm alone? (vs 11b). The best place to get rid of spiritual coldness is in the gathering of believers.

THOUGHT: But if we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, WE HAVE FELLOWSHIP ONE WITH ANOTHER, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanseth us from all sin. (I John 1:7)


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