#73: Finding Yourself

Those who try to gain their own life will lose it; but those who lose their life for my sake will gain it. Matthew 10:39

Scripture by scripture, day by day God keeps bringing home one crucial point: "my ways are not your ways, neither are my thoughts like yours". Today we see another contrast in life. Contrast in the sense that in order for you to do something, then you must consciously be doing the exact opposite of it. This kingdom lifestyle has baffled many for ages. Indeed it is beyond imagination.

Today we hear of seminars everywhere with great themes; all with the aim of making mankind find themselves. Jesus also gave his own rule. He teaches a selfless life. A life that thinks, breaths, and acts only for the sake of Christ. But why is God asking so much from us?

The heart is deceitful: the thoughts of man are always evil naturally (Jer 17:9, Gen 6:5). Even when we want to do the right thing, if you look closely, it is to esteem your image among other men; it is selfish to act that way.

The heart of man has no cure: Jer 17/;9 goes on to ask a question: "who can cure the heart of man?" Since it is incurable, we have to lose it.

When we lose our life (for Christ's sake) we will have a life that is higher than the one we just forsook. You will find yourself when you lose your life. Jesus showed us an example of a selfless life. He was God, but he decided to be treated harshly by the ones He created. He even went on to die for no sin on Him-that is why we celebrate Easter today.

PRAYER: Change my heart of LORD, make it ever true; may I be like You.


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