#71: A Tale of Two Donkeys

..."Go to the village there ahead of you; as you go in, you will find a colt tied up that has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If someone asks you why you are untying it, tell him that the Master needs it." Luke 19:30-31

We all know the story of the two donkeys that goes thus: Two donkeys were walking in Jerusalem when one donkey said to the other, "just yesterday I was here carrying Jesus and the people were singing and shouting and throwing their clothes for me to walk on, and today they don't even recognize me". The other donkey replied "that is how it is my friend, without Jesus you are nothing".

What we do not know about this story is the choice of donkey that Jesus decided to use in His triumphant entry. 2 publications ago we were looking at whom the LORD uses as His instruments on earth and today we will be looking at very special vessels. Even though God can use anyone to do his bidding, he takes pleasure in using the colts tied up that have never been ridden on. He wants to be the first to ride on you. When the disciples were going to bring this colt, they saw many other colts, even the second colt conversing with this young donkey, but it was disqualified because someone was already riding on it.

We all have this philosophy of being rogue and bad and wasted and towards your late life give your life to Christ. It is a wonderful trajectory but there is no glory compared to if you gave your life to Christ at an early stage before soiling your hands. These are the kinds of people Jesus would showcase in His triumphant entry.

There are two key points to discover that helped the donkey to meet the prerequisite of Jesus.
1. It was tied up: many times there are fences round our lives that God puts deliberately to make us focus and not go astray. Many of the rules in the family that our parents have brought us up with are examples. It will always seem as you are in prison and not allowed to roam like the rest of your peers.
2. There was someone watching over the colt: Jesus knew someone would ask why they were untying it. The owner of the colt knew that day was coming. He knew the Master would one day be in need of it and he has been waiting and checking everybody passing by and everyone attempting to untie it. It is the same reason why Moses' parents hid him; they saw he was a proper child, they knew one day the Master will be in need of him, so they made sure he has not found with the other Hebrew babies at the mercy of the Egyptian soldiers. These watchers are called disciplers they have visions of our life and guide us. Truth be told. most times we do not agree with their methods, but they are obeying God.

PRAYER: LORD i yield myself to discipleship today. I am sorry for breaking the hedges you fenced round me. Bring me back to Your will that I will be a vessel unto honour.


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