#69: Whom the LORD uses

In a large house there are dishes and bowls of all kinds: some are made of silver and gold, others of wood and clay, some are for special occasions and others for ordinary use. If anyone makes himself or herself clean from all those evil things, they will be used for special purposes, because they are dedicated and useful to their Master, ready to be used for every good deed. (II Tim 2:20-21)

It is a very big world we live in. There are different tribes, tongues, peoples and nations. One of the similarities we share is that we are different. God knows about our differences and treats us accordingly. Our differences does not hinder God from using us. In the great house pictured in the verse above, the key fact remains that what determines whether one will be used for honor or dishonor is a function of his doings. You can be a vessel of gold, yet you are used for ignoble purposes because there are impurities in you. If a golden vessel has not yielded to refining, it is not honorable. It only has potentials, but that is all that can be said of it.

From the fall of man, God has been looking for instruments in men to commune with and execute His supremacy on earth. In order to do this, he has used men for honor and dishonor. He is not an unjust God. The men were responsible for how God used them. When God wanted to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, He used Pharaoh to teach the world that He is Almighty. Pharaoh was used for dishonor. When God wanted to bless mankind, He used Abraham as a seed. Abraham was used for honor. If you look at these two men, their lives were very different which made God use them differently for His glory.

THOUGHT: What type of vessel do you want to be? A vessel of honor, or a vessel of dishonor? If anyone makes himself or herself clean from all those evil things, they will be used for special purposes. Don't be satisfied with God using you, yearn to be used as a vessel of honor


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