The boy Samuel was serving God under Eli’s direction. This was at a time when the revelation of God was rarely heard or seen. (I Sam 3:1, MSG)

Two things that the LORD wants to point our attention to this week through this devotional; these are the intrinsic characteristics of a generation or community or individuals that are living under a closed heaven:

…serving God under Eli’s direction: a generation that does not have direct contact with heaven will always need some other scheme to link up. From the days of creation, the LORD has always wanted a personal relationship with man. At some point, we could be relaxed and conclude that Eli was playing a discipler’s role to the young lad-Samuel, but I see God coming into the scene to save Samuel’s hunger to serve the LORD and serve Him rightly because Eli could be nearly blind physically, but spiritually, he was blind and deaf and insensitive to the move of God, and this was whom the whole nation of Israel was looking up to; this was whom Samuel served the LORD under.

...the revelation of God was rarely heard or seen: Going through scriptures, you will notice that God does not speak carelessly. He speaks when He has an audience. I can presume that everybody was busy with the doctrines of Eli and did not give time to meditating on the book of the law day and night. Samuel must have had a conviction that there was more to serving God than what Eli’s detectorship was giving. That must have been why his sleeping position was beside the Ark of Covenant. Even when God called out to Samuel, until Samuel was ready to hear, heaven remained mute.

Action Point: in your local assembly, are the brethren having a personal revelation of the LORD, or is the fellowship or church moving at the direction and pace of the President? Heaven is shut because there is no one to be ministered to. Make yourself ready and God will begin to move in your group. Serve God under the direction of His Spirit and not under the schemes of men.


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