#56: An Example [To Warn Us]

Remember Lot’s wife! Luke 17:32

When I come across such scriptures as this, my mind becomes heavy with a lot of questions. Jesus was talking about the coming of the Son of Man in this chapter of the scripture, and suddenly, he laid emphasis on Lot’s wife; someone whose name is not really known, her identity can only be traced to her husband, but in her story lies a lot of lessons to learn from. We trust the LORD to lead us to find the lessons He was intending to teach us from the life of Lot’s wife:

But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following along behind him and became a pillar of salt (Gen 19:26).

The first thing that I feel the LORD is laying emphasis on this week is to note particularly that Lot and his family were on a journey. They were on a journey to safety; away from destruction. A foundational truth is that the reason why we are in the body of Christ is also for the same reason. We are all on a journey away from destruction. It is because our eyes were opened to what was about to befall the world, that we turned over to Christ (Luke 21:20-21). One thing particular about this journey is that you have to start it the way you are. On that day the man who is on the roof of his house must not go down into the house to get his belongings; in the same way the man who is out in the field must not go back to the house (Luke 17:31). This scripture verse repeatedly warns us not to go back to the house. This signifies our origin, in the larger view, the world. If the LORD met you on the roof top, then your journey begins there, if the LORD met you on the field, then your journey begins there. The truth is that if you were still in the house, the comfort around would have distracted you from the call, that is why the call came without the house in the first place. It is therefore unwise, unloyal, and disbelief that makes us go back to the house.

Another lesson to learn here is that the pace of Lot’s wife was slow. She was behind her husband. What must have slowed down her pace in this journey away from destruction? The fact is that she was never really tired of her life at the city that she was leaving. Her soul was still yearning for Sodom. Is this true about you? Why has your journey with the LORD been so sluggish? Is it because your mind is still in the worldly system? Whoever tries to save his lifer will lose it; whoever loses his life will save it (Luke 17:33).

She became a pillar of salt. God turned her to a monument. She was now an example to warn us of unbelief. I want you to remember, my brothers what happened to our ancestors…Now all this is an example for us, to warn us not to desire evil things, as they did…All these things happened to them as examples for others, and they were written down as a warning for us. For we live at a time when the end is about to come (I Cor 10:1, 6 & 11). Whenever God brings a bible character in remembrance in our meditation, there is always something He wants us to learn. They were written as a warning for us to heed. We must not end up the way they ended. May God help us apply wisdom thereof.

THOUGHT: Jesus said to him, “anyone who starts to plough and then keeps looking back is of no use to the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).


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