“Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. (Matt 14:29)

In our everyday walk with God, He is always squeezing through our lives as if to persistently ask, “Now when do I come into this relationship, this vacation you have planned, or these books you want to read?” He is always pressing this point until we learn to build faith on Him.

The invitation of Jesus to “come” is an invitation to leave the levels where you trust your certificates to get you what you want, where your strength is in your qualifications, your beauty, your finances, and come to a place where your feet may fail. He is calling you from your boat of confidence to the oceans deep and wide with waves to and fro. There His grace abounds much more!

He will keep the feet of His saints,…for by strength shall no man prevail.(I Sam 2:9)

If you are convinced that thus far you have been relying on your strength, you can make the distress call that Peter made to Jesus:

Then Peter spoke up. “LORD, if it is really you, order me to come out on the water to you” (Matt 14:28)

Peter saw the limitations of standing on human strength. He was yearning for higher height where feet may fail. “MAY” because your feet will only fail on the waters when your faith has borders and limitations as was the case of Peter when he answered the call. Where feet may fail, and fear surrounds, God never fails; and he cannot start failing now! Answer the call today. Learn the unforced rhythms of GRACE! While others use strength, we glide with grace [effortlessly], but with our hands in His hands. This way we become testimonies of the supremacy of our Father who is in heaven.

PRAYER: Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me; take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger; in Your presence O my Savior. Amen.


  1. The call of God for many heroes of faith in the bible meant an abandonment from the present comfort into the dark (WHERE feet may fail!). Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, the Apostles, to mention a few. As a matter of fact, the greatest words of Jesus to His disciples is *abandon*. Only then can we launch to where feet may fail.


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