#02: Gratifications II
John 6:27 (MSG) “Don’t waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for food that sticks with you. Food that nourishes your lasting life, food the Son of Man provides. He and what he does are guaranteed by God the father to the last” When you are partaking in the “perishable food” ; you are eating from the universal cake that the devil has made available. This “perishable food” may include delicacies like; drinking and smoking, involvement in immoral acts, lies, theft and many more. “Perishable food” just satisfies the natural inner craving of man but fail to reach deep down into the soul. And such satisfaction is transient. But I can tell you that there are far much more enticing, soul appealing and satisfactory delicacies . Such, satisfy not just the natural man but also the soul and its satisfaction is permanent . This is the kind of food we should thrive to partake from. For a fulfilled life on earth, and an everlasting last with Ch...