#230: Hope of Glory

And we rejoice in hope of the glory of God because through Christ, we have also obtained access by faith into His grace (Rom 5:2) Quick Recap: We began our study on biblical hope this month by identifying hope as a reservoir of strength to keep going rather than give up, This is usually a result of meditating on and esteeming God's faithfulness in past times and experiences as an assurance that He is consistent to His character and nature. Biblical hope transcends beyond material and physical realities. Our hope is not primarily for our well-being, but a strength to pull through even when our present life is at stake; because God is good and our hope is focused on eternity with Him. Next, we saw how hope helped Salome, who was caught in adultery, to live a life worthy of her salvation. This is a testament to the fact that there is no hopeless situation from God's point of view. In other words, there is no circumstance that you can find yourself in that should make you feel that...