#199: Yom Kippur!!!

"Yom Kippur! Yom Kippur!! Yom Kippur!!!" shouted the children with glee as they raced towards me. I was under my fig tree after just reciting the Shema Yisrael for the evening sacrifice. "Rabbi, we have come to learn about Yom Kippur. We love hearing your stories." cried the children. "Okay children. Gather round. But first, I must get some water and a towel to wash your feet and some bread to eat while you listen to me." The children were dazzled as it was not customary for Rabbis to wash the feet of their disciples; nevertheless, if that was a condition to listen to my esteemed stories, they were ready to act along. I began my story, "The 10th day of the Jewish month of Tishri (September or October in the Gregorian calendar) is the Day of Atonement. You know, the day everyone gets to transfer their sins onto something else (usually animals though) and they are taken away from them and they become purified. But why Atonement? As we all know the G...