#166: Purah's Diary (The chronicles of Gideon's Army)

I was 12 years old when I joined the royal army. Israel was going to war against Canaan and needed all the men they could get. While some who had passed the training marched on to the battlefield with Deborah to face Jabin and Sisera after being oppressed for 20 years, I, together with the other new recruits remained in the camp to complete our military training. It was at the camp that news reached us that God had given us the victory through a certain Jael. After this, Israel enjoyed peace for 40 years. The elders thought it cruel to continue with the military training amidst the rest God gave us from our enemies. It had been a long time coming. So we left the camp and went each man to his home. Things continued this way till we sinned against God; we broke the LORD's altar, we ceased the evening and morning sacrifices and the LORD's hand was heavy upon us. We had a new oppressor - the Midianites. Things grew from bad to worse. It became more difficult to remember the years...