
Showing posts from September, 2017

#83: The Story of the Father of Two Sons (Part 3)

Luke 15:11-32 Thank God for the insights that He has graciously granted us in the journey through this parable. Specifically, we have seen the LORD mirror our lives through this parable that we know so well as if to say to us that we may think we know the story so well, yet we scarcely understand the blueprints. Today God will be taking us further in the study. As we come towards the end of the story, we see the hallmark of it all. We will be discussing about the Father in today’s episode. Every lost soul needs a savior. The story of our salvation is not complete without the cross, and I see all that being illustrated in this story in order to make it wholesome. God bless us as we study together. Amen. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion on him, and ran and kissed him: Let us bear in mind that Jesus was using human illustrations to bring home a message through parables. It is very important to note that he was still a great way off; a...

#82: The Story of the Father of Two Sons (Part 2)

Luke 15:11-32 Often times when going through scriptures, this story to be more specific, we only appreciate it as an interesting tale-a story about a bad son, with whom we have very little to do. We see him as a rather irresponsible fellow. But then it is not the custom of God to be careless in His Word. Why would God be confronting us with a story that we know too well if not that He wants you to see yourself in the picture. We are not going through this study to raise sympathy over the lost, neither are we going to have a sign of relief after a happy ending, but to see similarities with our daily experiences. The parables that Jesus told were not bed time stories; they were not to entertain, but to educate. And not to educate us about others, but to cut to the core of our own being; to teach us about our relationship with God. We will therefore be continuing from where we felt we could put a comma and make some deliberate actions on issues that God was beginning to raise from th...

#81: The Story of the Father of Two Sons (Part 1)

Luke 15:11-32 Just as a form of introduction, the story we caption The Prodigal Son was a story Jesus told when the Pharisees saw him eating with sinners (vs 1&2). Before this story, he talked about the joy a shepherd gets when he goes out of his way to seek for and find a lost sheep, notwithstanding the rest 99 sheep; he also talked of the joy a person gets when he searches for and finds a lost coin, notwithstanding the rest 9 coins. It is in the light of this joy and feast in heaven at the return of a lost soul that Jesus spake this parable. This parable however was more elaborate than the first two. I sense Jesus was deliberate and by the grace of God, He will be revealing to us what indeed He was passing to us as we study scriptures together. A certain man had two sons: The first thing I sense in my spirit that Jesus was trying to teach here is of two sons of a father. Many times when we come across this scripture, we are carried away by the life and times of the son...